Your generous support today will help us to support rainforest communities, stop deforestation and tackle climate change. There are many ways that you can get involved with our vital work – from regular donations or fundraising with your school or university, to taking part in a challenge event in our name or donating your old smartphone to community forest monitors! Our supporters are absolutely crucial to our impact and we truly appreciate every penny. You can be safe in the knowledge that your donation is being put to good use with 97% of our total funding going directly towards projects and campaigns in the rainforest.
Support Us
Every day, Rainforest Foundation UK is fighting for indigenous voices to be heard, community rights to be acknowledged and upheld, and for traditional peoples to be able to protect their rainforest homes. But we can’t do it without the generous support we receive from people like you!
Trusts & Foundations
Put your trust in Rainforest Foundation UK, and help us build a strong future for rainforest communities Charitable Trusts and Foundations are crucial to our work. Together, we can make a real difference to the lives of indigenous and traditional communities and the forests they inhabit.
Partnerships & Philanthropy
Your organisation can help our charity make a positive difference to the rainforests of the world and those who live within them.
Schools & Fundraising
If you support our cause, you might also like to teach your class or children more about the rainforests and their people.
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