Legal status
The Rainforest Foundation UK is a charity, and a company limited by guarantee and is regulated principally by the Charity Commission, The Companies Acts, the Fundraising Regulator and the Office of Information Commissioner. The Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for RFUK’s compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
The conduct of the Board is governed by the Memorandum and Articles of Association (‘the Articles’).
Registered Charity Number, England and Wales: 1138287
Registered Company Number, England and Wales: 07391285
The role of the Board
The role of the Board is to provide strategic vision, direction and leadership to support the financial and operational stability needed to advance RFUK’s mission and to promote the organisation’s continued effectiveness.
The Board convenes at least four times per calendar year and uses Committees to advise and decide on specific aspects of RFUK’s operations to control particular activities on its behalf.
Current Committees are:
- Nominations Committee
- People Committee
- Finance, Risk and Compliance Committee
Although decision-making may be delegated to the Committees, the Board collectively retains ultimate responsibility for all decisions taken.
The Board delegates day-to-day management activities to the Executive Director (ED), who in turn delegates some aspects of organisational management to the Senior Management Team (SMT) and other staff.
Policies and Procedures
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Financial information
Annual reviews
Contact information
Please reach out to the Head of Operations for any enquiries regarding RFUK’s governance or policies.