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NBS: New era or false dawn? Webinar presentations

18 May 2021

Part 2 of an RFUK & WRI joint webinar series exploring and debating Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change. Presentations from RFUK, APEM, CARE & RRI explore the real-world challenges of implementing NbS on the ground.

Civil Society in the Congo Basin Sets Out Vision for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption

31 March 2021

Civil society organisations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Republic of Congo (RoC) are calling for much greater inclusion of forest communities and forest governance reforms in their governments’ plans to address the climate crisis. In the run up to this year’s crucial climate summit in Glasgow this November, countries around the … Read more

Celebrating women in leadership: experiences of women in the fight to protect the world’s rainforests

8 March 2021

RFUK has long understood that women have a central role to play in protecting and managing the world’s rainforests. They are the main providers of food, water and medicine to their families, who depend greatly on rainforests for their livelihoods. They hold vast traditional knowledge of their forests and their biodiversity. This understanding informs our … Read more

Huge leap in fight against impunity for conservation-related abuses in DRC as park rangers are sentenced for rape and torture

13 January 2021

On 28 December 2020, five park rangers accused of raping and torturing four women in DRC’s Salonga National Park were convicted by the Military Court in Mbandaka, following a long battle for justice supported by the Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK) and its local partner Actions pour la Promotion et Protection des Peuples et Espèces Menacés … Read more

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REDD-MINUS: The Rhetoric and Reality of the Mai Ndombe REDD+ Programme

16 December 2020

A new study by Action pour la promotion et protection des peoples et espèces menacées (APEM) and the Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK) finds that one of the world’s highest profile emissions reductions programmes is failing to uphold social safeguards, deliver local benefits, or prevent deforestation.

Final Evaluation ILLUCBF Project – Democratic Republic of the Congo

12 October 2019

This is the evaluation of the ‘Improving Livelihoods and Land Use in Congo Basin Forests’ (ILLUCBF) project, which was undertaken from June to August 2019 by a team of three independent external evaluators, based on the terms of reference provided by Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK).