
Asociación de Productores Kemito ‒ Ene (Peru), New Economy, Equator Prize 2019 Spotlight

11 October 2019

In an area where forests are threatened by illegal logging, large infrastructure projects, and oil exploitation, Kemito Ene tells a story of indigenous entrepreneurship that sustains families and forests. This successful indigenous social business enterprise is a model for sustainable commodity supply chains worldwide. Kemito Ene advocates for the well-being of its producers based on … Read more

Our forest, our land: Unleashing the potential of community forests in DR Congo

31 January 2019

A new short film on our community forests project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Rainforest Foundation UK and our local partners have been working with communities to help them obtain legal rights to manage their own forests.

FORESTLINK: The Future of Rainforest Protection

8 February 2017

This short film documents the early stages of the Rainforest Foundation UK’s real-time forest monitoring project in Central Africa and the Peruvian Amazon. RFUK works in the world’s two largest rainforests: the Congo Basin and the Amazon. Spread over billions of acres, these forests are under threat from illegal activities like logging and mining. These … Read more

Protected Areas in the Congo Basin: Failing Both People and Biodiversity?

22 April 2016

Protected areas in Africa’s great equatorial rainforests are falling well below expectations both in terms of conserving wildlife and respecting local peoples’ rights. Watch this short film about forest communities affected by the Tumba Lediima Reserve in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Ndima: Mapping our Future – A story of the Congo Basin people’s fight to save the rainforest

23 January 2013

Maps of the Congo Basin often make it appear empty of human settlement, giving rise to the erroneous belief that these lands are an unoccupied ‘wilderness’ available for others to use. But a technique called ‘participatory mapping’, a tool which combines the traditional knowledge of forest dwellers with sophisticated modern technology, is a means of … Read more

The story of REDD: a real solution to deforestation?

5 July 2012

REDD, or reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, is one of the most controversial issues in the climate change debate. The basic concept is simple: governments, companies or forest owners in the South should be rewarded for keeping their forests instead of cutting them down. The devil, as always, is in the details. ‘The … Read more