22 May 2024

Mbandaka, DRC

Rainforest Foundation UK and APEM strongly condemn the systematic and grave human rights violations reportedly committed by agents of the police and against members of the Indigenous Pygmy People community in the community forestry concession (CFCL) of Lokolama, in the Bikoro Territory, Equateur Province.

During a documentation mission conducted by RFUK and APEM, our staff witnessed first-hand the scars of a punitive expedition carried out by agents of DRC security forces on the night between the 4th and 5th May 2024, which led to the arbitrary arrest and detention of more than 30 members of the Lokolama village, including elderly people and minors, several of whom were tortured and ill-treated before being extorted money for their release. Their homes were looted, and all their goods were taken away.

The mob was reportedly carried out after a young woman had tragically been found dead in the forest near the village, albeit no investigation has been conducted to identify the perpetrator. The brutality of the attack also pushed dozens of people to seek refuge in the forest as they fear for their lives, given that have not yet been able to pay the full ransom required to free their family members.

This situation sheds light on the sad reality of discrimination, stigmatisation and other forms of abuse against Indigenous Peoples in the Congo Basin, who typically face extreme political, economic, social and cultural marginalisation. RFUK and APEM denounce this form of collective punishment carried out without respect for procedural fairness and fundamental human rights, and in violation of Law Number 22/030 of July 15, 2022 on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Indigenous Pygmy Peoples promulgated by the President of the DRC.

We, therefore, urge national authorities and DRC security forces to abide by their legal obligations and demand that perpetrators be held accountable for these crimes and victims be granted their rightful reparations for the harm they have suffered.

Indigenous Peoples have for centuries played a pivotal role as guardians of the forests and it is now time to ensure an effective implementation of Law 220/030 to truly pave the way for Congo’s Indigenous populations to enjoy their fundamental rights and to pursue their self-determined development and protect the DRC’s rainforests.

Torture on the arm of a community member
Torture on the arm of a community member
Torture on the arms of a community member.
Torture on the arms of a community member.
Members of the Indigenous Pygmy People community in the community forestry concession (CFCL) of Lokolama.
Members of the Indigenous Pygmy People community in the community forestry concession (CFCL) of Lokolama.

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