One-off Donation

Support our work by making a one-time donation today

A mother and child in Nzondo community, Equateur, DRC. Nzondo is one of several communities applying for a Community Forest Concession | Photo credit: Claire Parfondry, RFUK

Donate £10

To support communities to defend their rainforest home


Donate £25

To support an undercover investigator to gather testimony from forest communities


Donate £50

To help to buy vital mobile equipment to enable communities to protect their land from illegal logging


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CAF donations

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If you prefer, you can also donate to us by downloading our regular donation form here and sending it in via the post (address and instructions included on the form).

All of our donation options offer the chance to use Gift Aid, but even if you didn't select it at the time, you can still apply it retroactively to all your donations as far back as 4 years! Just download the form below and send it back to us via e-mail or post (instructions on form), and you'll increase the value of your gift by 25% at no extra cost!