
Seeds of Destruction: Expansion of Industrial Oil Palm in the Congo Basin

1 January 2013

The cultivation of palm oil at an industrial-scale has wreaked havoc with the rainforests and forest peoples of South-East Asia and is now threatening rainforests in the Congo Basin. This report, the result of original research commissioned by The Rainforest Foundation UK, lifts the lid on the new expansion of oil palm developments in the … Read more

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Whose land is it? The status of customary land tenure in Cameroon

1 February 2011

This report sets out to identify the current legal status of customary land interests in Cameroon, and suggests ways for their improved recognition. This arises in the context of an ongoing review of forestry sector legislation.

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Divided Forests: Towards fairer zoning of forest lands

1 January 2006

This report provides a review of macro-level forest zoning as a tool for forest management and land-use planning, in order to identify some of the lessons that have been, or should be learnt. The experiences of Australia, Brazil, Cameroon and Indonesia are considered. The successes and failures of each of these case studies are identified, … Read more