Allegations of Rights Abuses in WWF-managed Ntokou Pikounda National Park
Worrying reports of forced displacement and human rights abuses have emerged from the Republic of Congo’s youngest national park. Rainforest Foundation UK’s local partner Centre d’Actions pour le Développement (CAD) just published an investigation around Ntokou Pikounda National Park, finding that neighbouring indigenous and local communities have suffered and continue to suffer serious harm … Read more
NGOs Urge International Community to Act on Impending Natural Resource Grab in DRC
Fifteen Congolese and International NGOs have warned of an imminent sell-off of timber, oil and carbon rights in the run-up to elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo later this year. In a letter to the Inter-Donor Group on Environment and Climate (GIBEC) ahead of its planned meeting with DRC President Tshisekedi this week, we call … Read more
#IWD 2023: Rural women at the heart of participatory forest resource management
A guest Blog from our ForestLink partners: In Cameroon, the forestry sector plays an important role in the national economy, and provides a range of essential social and environmental functions for many local and indigenous communities. As a result, the sector also faces several tensions related to the proper management of its resources, including the socio-economic precariousness … Read more
Press Release: Gabon’s rainforest carbon credits set a precedent that could worsen climate change
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE As world leaders including Emmanuel Macron gather in Libreville for the ‘One Forest Summit’ [1], convened jointly by the governments of Gabon and France, a new investigation by the Rainforest Foundation UK has found that the recent issue by Gabon of more than 90 million carbon credits [2] for supposedly saving … Read more
30×30: the good, the bad and what needs to happen next
After years of intense international negotiations and delays, the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) has now been adopted but the final agreement is a mixed bag – while it contains some hard-fought guarantees for Indigenous Peoples and other local communities, core concerns about the “30×30” plan remain. Ultimately, governments have missed a huge opportunity for a … Read more
NGOs warn 30×30 plan could “devastate Indigenous lives” in run-up to COP15
These Khadia men were thrown off their land after it was turned into a protected area. They lived for months under plastic sheets. Millions more face this fate if the 30% plan goes ahead. © Survival Human Rights NGOs have just released a joint statement in the run-up to December’s COP15 on biodiversity, denouncing the planned target … Read more
Target to ‘Protect’ 30% of Earth by 2030 – A Disaster for People and Bad for the Planet?
With COP15 looming, leading Human Rights NGOs have denounced the planned target of protecting 30% of Earth by 2030.
Congo in the Crosshairs: Oil and Gas Expansion Threats to Climate, Forests, and Communities
A new comprehensive mapping and analysis by RFUK and Earth Insight shows that oil and gas expansion in the Congo Basin is a rapidly accelerating existential threat to the global climate, and to the world’s second largest rainforest – including the tens of millions of people who live there. There is still time for African … Read more
Realising the Pledge: Unlocking System-level Change in the Congo Basin
Building on ‘Realising the Pledge,’ a briefing by the Rainforest Foundations of the United Kingdom, the United States and Norway on how the US$1.7 billion Forest Tenure commitment at COP26 can reach critical frontline forest defenders, this Brief looks at major opportunities to unlock system-level change in key tropical forest regions such as the Congo … Read more
Trial begins of timber company accused of shooting and maiming locals
The Congo Sunflower Forestry Development company is currently on trial, accused of orchestrating a series of reprisals and physical violence against the villagers of Tokoma in the Tshuapa province of DRC, after they seized some of the company’s equipment from a site illegally being operated on their lands. According to Mr. Iyoko Elungu, an inhabitant of … Read more