NGOs respond to the proposed weakening of the Post-2020 GBF

March 16, 2022

RFUK and a group of environmental NGOs have written a letter to the Working Group of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, stating their deep concern over the planned weakening of the standards and principles of the Framework. Under a stated intention of making the proposal clear and concise, all “cross-cutting issues” will be removed from the text - a move that endangers the critically important inclusion of principles and standards such as “rights-based approaches, gender equality, gender-responsive approaches, empowerment of women and girls and youth and Indigenous Peoples and local communities.”

By removing these principles from the operative parts of the text, it not only weakens their perceived importance in the implementation of the Framework, but opens up the possibility for the wholesale erasure of Targets 20 and 21, which are largely centred around these issues, particularly in regards to Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

Read their full statement here.

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