

16 October 2021

AJESH (Ajemalibu Self Help) is a civil society organisation founded on June 4, 2006. AJESH are located in Nyasoso, Cameroon and work with local and indigenous communities in the South West region. RFUK’s partnership with AJESH began in 2014 and together we have worked on issues including: participatory mapping, land and resource rights of forest … Read more

First-ever Baka chief officially recognised in southern Cameroon—his majesty Martin Abila of the village Assok

19 April 2021

For the first time in Southern Cameroon, an Indigenous Baka village has been officially recognised and their chief formally installed by the Cameroonian state. This marks a significant milestone in a country where Indigenous Peoples face extreme social, political and economic marginalisation. The installation of his Majesty Martin Abila as official chief of the village … Read more

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Final Evaluation: Embedding Community Real Time Monitoring (RTM) to Sustain Livelihoods and Forests in West and Central Africa

23 February 2021

An external evaluation of the ‘Embedding community Real Time Monitoring (RTM) to sustain livelihoods and forests in West and Central Africa’ project took place between October 2020 and January 2021. This project, funded by the UK government, seeks to improve forest governance in Cameroon, Ghana, DRC and Republic of Congo by strengthening of forest communities’ … Read more

Taking on the Coronavirus in the Forests of Southern Cameroon

20 October 2020

APIFED’s team equipped with soap, buckets with taps, disinfectant gel, masks, and posters in the local languages Baka and Bulu to distribute to communities 2020 forced humanity to recognise our global kinship as people all over the world faced the same threat at the same time. Every society witnessed how the most vulnerable communities were … Read more

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Mapping the Future: Towards Meaningful Participation of Forest Peoples in Land-use Planning in DRC and Cameroon

15 April 2020

This RFUK report charts way to better inclusion of forest communities in Congo Basin land use planning processes.

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Securing Customary Rights is Key to Sustainable Community Forestry

13 February 2020

The laws in the Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic provide limited protection to indigenous peoples and local communities regarding access to land and forest resources. Often, logging concessions overlap their territories, restricting access to lands and resources. However, the development of community forests is gaining momentum in the region. These can help … Read more

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The Green Climate Fund in the Congo Basin Rainforests – Good Money After Bad?

1 July 2019

A report published by the Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK) on the Green Climate Fund finds that one of the world’s largest climate adaptation and mitigation funds for developing countries may actually do more harm to tropical forests and people on the frontline of climate change unless it is reformed.

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Yaoundé Declaration Declaration: Statement Concerning Community Forestry in the Congo Basin Region

10 June 2019

Organisations and individuals from Central Africa, along with international partners from Europe, came together in Yaoundé in February 2019 to discuss the lessons from the recent years of community forest development in the Congo Basin, especially in the context of the projects funded through DFID’s ILLUCBF programme.

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Safer Ground: How Participatory Mapping can Mitigate the Social Impacts of Agribusiness in the Congo Basin

3 June 2019

The expansion of commercial agriculture in the Congo Basin, especially for palm oil, poses great risks to forests and the people who depend on them for their livelihoods and culture. While efforts to make palm oil more ‘sustainable’ focus on avoiding deforestation and biodiversity loss, far less attention has been paid to land rights and … Read more

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Palmed Off: An Investigation into Three Industrial Palm Oil and Rubber Projects in Cameroon and the Republic of Congo

3 May 2019

Research carried out by the Rainforest Foundation UK and its partner organisations found that industrial palm oil and rubber plantations in Africa’s Congo Basin continue to disrespect human rights and destroy large swathes of rainforests.