Indigenous Land and Livelihoods

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The rights of the indigenous people in the Republic of Congo: An analysis of the national context plus recommendations

1 June 2006

This report presents an executive summary plus recommendations from civil society with regard to the “Law on the promotion and protection of Congo’s Pygmies”.

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The rights of the Pygmy People in the Republic of Congo: International Legal Context

1 January 2006

This report sets forth the broad contours of the international human rights regime as it concerns indigenous peoples, and thus the Republic of Congo-Brazzaville’s responsibilities under international law, in the context of the current initiative to develop legislative protection for the Congolese Baka “Pygmy” peoples.

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Les droits des peuples autochtones en République du Congo: Analyse du contexte national et recommandations (RAPPORT SOMMAIRE)

1 January 2006

Ce rapport sommaire était élaboré comme contribution de la société civile à l’élaboration de la « Loi portant promotion et protection des Pygmées au Congo » en la République du Congo